Alex Angi

Workshop RE-EVOLUTION (eco-art)

Coral installation, evolution-creation, The Plastic Age

IBIZA 7 - 8 & 9 de June



Virus, Alex Angi



Starting from industrial discards Alex Angi creates a world of distinctive color. His installations are visual compositions of such an intense color that makes it impossible for them to be unnoticed. With these almost amoebic objects he creates a very strong discurse on the impact of industrial production on the environment in an original and creative way.

Maison Electronique


In this participatory workshop the artist Alex Angi will perform a site-specific installation at the house that MONDO GALERIA opens this season in Ibiza, where along the summer 2016 will present photography workshops, fashion shows, music, installations and video-art projections, all under the motto "nature electronique" to focus through art on slow life, detached and aware of the nature while connected by electronics, the extension of our intelligence.


The Plastic Age


This theoretical and practical workshop contains several phases spread over 3 days:

1. Presentation of the artist's work
2. The form
3. Micro and Macro
4. Relationship between the natural and the artificial
5. G.N.R. (Genetics. Nanotechnology. Robotics)
6. Relationship with the historical moment
7. Group work on site-specific installation

Museo del Parco, Portolino


I am inspired by the relationship between the natural and the artificial, trying to represent or anticipate the historical reality in which we live, using plastic material which is the subject of our contemporaneity. After the Stone Age and the Bronze Age, today we can say that we are now in The Plastic Age.”c

Born in Cannes, France in 1965. Alex Angi works as a sinlge artist as well as part of Cracking Art Collective.

He is presented by MONDO GALERIA by the first time in Spain, after many venues in Europe and United States.

His work reflects on the probable death of nature. Studies of our society, of the current problems of our planet or even of the genetic revolution. According to him the world is in danger, but art can have a considerable impact on this evolution.

Alex Angi uses recycled materials transformed into art objects. As a gold prospector in public dumpsters recovers plastic and industrial materials and then transform them into works using different techniques. Recycling and accumulation of materials offers a new artistic expression, and his creations confirm their determination to defend nature and its determination to defend the planet.

For its colorful these works approach the Pop-Art and recycling the Nouveau-Réalisme.


Alex Angi, The Plastic Age


Who is it for?

Anyone who sits close to this line of thought. In line with the idea of modifying our life form, the anthropic effect.

Artists, poets, sculptors, students, researchers on genetics-nanotechnology-robotics, electronic musicians, agronomists, engineers, thinkers.


Urban Art Ranaissence, Trienale Milano


3 Intensive days Only

7 - 8 & 9 June 2016


350 euros (300 euros until 1st June)*

*Does not include travel and accomodation


in collaboration with



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