Beny Steiner
15th December 2023 untill 15th September 2024
MONDO GALERIA presents “MY WINDOW” an exhibition of limited edition photographs from the latest production by photographer Beny Steiner.
Her art career started as international model (one of the first ones travelling the world over and posing for the likes of Salvador Dalí in Barcelona). She travelled to Kabul opening her curiosity to new cultures and new experiences. Then she moved to New York in the ´80s as stylist for photographer Raymond Meier. There she met her now lifetime friend: artist Not Vital. Finally, she worked as a fashion/life style photographer herself, with a very define and personal style, publishing with the best magazines and agencies around the world.
Today, together with her cats Mr. Gucci and Prada, she lives and works in Scuol, in the Engadine valley, in Switzerland where she has her residence and her “Four Seasons Studio”.
Unfortunately, an eye sickness is deteriorating her macula since some years, consequently losing gradually her vision. Life as a photographer has become harder for her, as well as daily activities. As John Milton or Jorge Luis Borges she created her own method to cope with this reality by organising herself around a precise order in her home space to be able to navigate through it. A new way of looking at life with a focus on light and contrast, movement and stillness came together with this new reality.
These fresh experiences give her a new eye on nature, on permanency and migration, on immanence and transcendence. Her space is one, with her camera. The presence of the Piz Pisoc (the mountain in front of her house) is her way of measuring her daily existence against the passing of seasons and the mutations of Flora and Fauna. And she is ready to capture it, again and again. The appearances and disappearances in front of her delicate sight of what life has to offer, day by day, minute by minute.
In this exhibition we can see a selection of more than 50 of her photographs. Finely printed in cotton rug photo paper, opening for us a small window into her reality, a poetical vision of a particular place in a particular time, where birds become acrobats and clouds their arena.
curated by Diego Alonso y Alexeja Pozzoni (DiegoandAlexeja).
Exhibition will be open from Thursday to Sunday 12h to 19h until 15th September 2024
Beny Steiner / "Piz Pisoc 05/04/2023" - Pigment Print on Cotton Rug Paper - 60 x 40 cm
Agil Immensity by Diego Alonso
The Piz Pisoc was quiet. The curtains were of soft beautiful linen, with some elegantly exaggerated repairs. A Kafkian fly was hanging from the rod, massaging her front legs in that manner that flies do. It flew from the window to the tip of her nose. She opened slowly her eye, fluttering her lashes slowly, as if the morning light entering through the glass was burning her washed damaged iris. The other side of her childlike face was lost inside the soft warm pillow. She stood up and looked at the blue sky covered by some passing snow white clouds.
- They are back!- she thought to herself with happiness, as she photographed the rapidly playful Dohles.
The taxonomy of a routinely play between light and shadow, of a contrasted frame of an imaginary reality converted into a spatial two dimensional vortex.
Daily interaction with nature is what brings to us a flare of existence, of a particular reality. Breaking that barrier it's what unites us to our universe. A photograph becomes a prayer to universal Truth. A mirror onto the void. A symbol of a particular moment in a particular space. It connects the presence of the artist with the cosmic glance of collective subconsciousness.
A peaceful revolution through the impossible reality of the senses. The mountain, still, static, permanent as the body. And the migrating birds as lively agitated Thought, as dreaming, as inspiration.
The patient order of Cunningham's still-lifes, the spark of Ray, the composition of Avedon, shaken on a dice cup and thrown, randomly as possible, over the table to offer even destiny itself a choice of direction. Beny Steiner´s art becomes a device for us to enter her extraordinary world of magic: of beauty composed with whatever surrounds her and can take a role in her subtle storytelling.
It is in that moment, when the birds that probably inspired Alfred Hitchcock pose for her, that she enters a state of bliss. All her memories vanish for an instant. There they go, her modelling career, her posing for Salvador Dalí in Barcelona, living with Not Vital in New York, her Afghan adventures, her stylist profession, Vals and Zumthor, all that baggage that makes her vision today disappear into an eternal present for us to enjoy now finely printed on cotton rug paper and delicately framed in black wood.
As her physical vision deteriorates due to eye sickness, her spiritual visualization of the world becomes more accurate, guided by light, shadow and movement, not that of the birds but that of her soul, connected more and more to the wide spectrum of nature.
Beny Steiner / "View Room nº2 14/11/2022" - Pigment Print on Cotton Rug Paper - 60 x 40 cm
“The Space in Between“
Exposición 27 al 29 de Febrero 2020
Inauguración 28 de Febrero 2020 - 19hs
MONDO GALERIA presenta por primera vez en España “The Space in Between” una exposición individual de Margherita Chiarva, una artista que cierra con su trabajo y trayectoria un círculo evolutivo abierto hacia finales del siglo XIX por la pionera británica Anna Atkins.
La idea en su trabajo nace de la interacción con los materiales y la investigación creativa. No es un proceso de imitación sino un proceso de generación de una nueva realidad plasmada en sales de plata. La magia de las tonalidades y las texturas nacidas con el impacto de la luz sobre el material fotosensible. Algunas veces una imagen parece una cosa, otras, formas aparecen de entre las sombras o bien interactúan con restos de realidad robados a un descarte de negativo, pero siempre lo desconocido emerge, trae a la superficie una nueva realidad inventada en la que quien quiere ver encuentra.
La exposición comisariada por AD Studio se completa con el soundscape "Call Thou Upon My Name Unto Eternity, And It Shall Never Fail" creado por Toni Castells para acompañar la imaginería creada por Margherita Chiarva, con el fin de elevar el espacio de la galería hacia un paisaje sacro-espiritual para sumergir al visitante en una experiencia inmersiva.
Leer más…"The Space in Between" Margherita Chiarva introduce a Toni Castellsien
Gijsbert Hanekroot
From 8th June to 31st August 2019
OPENING Saturday 8th June 19.30 hs
"If everyone demanded peace instead of another television set, then there would be peace.." John Lennon
MONDO GALERIA in collaboration with Amante Collection present at PGA CATALUNYA RESORTS - Hotel Camiral a selection of photographs by Gijsbert Hanekroot as a tribute to David Bowie and other legends of the 1970s like Mick Jagger, John & Yoko, Lou Reed, Patti Smith, Debbie Harry or Frank Zappa.
20 original photographs by Gijsbert Hanekroot arrive for the first time to Barcelona to depict a decade of changes and revolution through music. A time when sex, drugs and rock´n´roll were the mainstream while the post-war economic boom was coming to an end. A pivotal change in culture. The “Me” culture, as quoted by Tom Wolfe, was the beginning of a self-centred society, based on the importance of the individual as contrary to the community. It was the birth of the self-created personality, and this collection of photographs portray some of the best influencers of the 70s. in this art.
John Lennon and Yoko Ono (1971) © Gijsbert Hanekroot
Andrea Santolaya
Del 2 al 30 de JUNIO 2018
INAUGURACIÓN Sábado 2 de Junio 12 a 22 hs
" Comenzaron un viaje que continúa a través de generaciones. Siguen fieles a su tradición." Andrea Santolaya
“Russkaya Amerika”. 2017. Andrea Santolaya.
Elizabeth Fefelov, de trece años, forma parte de la nueva generación de Old Believers en Nikolaevsk. La adolescente cubre su cabeza con un shasmura, a la salida de la iglesia de San Nicolás en la mañana de Pascha
MONDO GALERIA presenta el último trabajo inédito de la fotógrafa madrileña Andrea Santolaya. “Russkaya Amerika” un viaje al extremo de Alaska al encuentro con el último asentamiento de Old Believers (grupo separado de la iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa en 1966). Emigrados de Rusia se asientan finalmente en este recóndito rincón del planeta huyendo de la persecución por años a través de tres continentes (Siberia, China, Brasil, Oregón y finalmente Alaska)
La exposición consta de cuarenta fotografías en blanco y negro y se completa con una colección particular de libros y anotaciones recopilados en Alaska. Continúa la tradición de la artista en retratar pequeñas comunidades aisladas, supervivientes de un avance técnico y filosófico que caracteriza nuestra actualidad. La fotógrafa, luego de un periodo de convivencia dentro de la comuindad, nos trae un retrato contextual de una realidad paralela contemporánea con imágenes que nos permiten espiar a la distancia una cotidianeidad diferente a través de su narrativa visual.
La exposición se presentará como lanzamiento del nuevo estudio de la artista (San Lucas 3, Madrid) y en MONDO GALERÍA – Sinking Room (San Lucas 5, Madrid) como preámbulo al mes de la fotografía en España.
“Russkaya Amerika”. 2017. Andrea Santolaya.
Esta tierra que fue parte del Imperio ruso, hasta el año 1867 sigue teniendo una reminiscencia del clima siberiano frío y húmedo. La “América rusa” era el nombre de las posesiones de Rusia en las Américas entre 1733 y 1867. Hoy es el estado de Alaska.
Los vigías de la fé
En 1666 los “Староверы” (Antiguos Creyentes) se separaron de la Iglesia Ortodoxa durante el patriarcado de Nikon y huyeron al Extremo Oriente de Siberia y otros países alrededor del mundo. Desde Manchuria a Brasil y más tarde Oregon en los Estados Unidos de América.
La Pascua rusa “Пасха”, “Pascha”, es una de las festividades más importantes de la iglesia rusa ortodoxa. “Христос воскресе”. “Воистину воскресе (воскрес)!”, “Cristo ha resucitado!” “En efecto, ha resucitado”. La aclamación de Pascua sigue haciendo eco desde la medianoche y continuará hasta avanzada la madrugada del 1 de mayo.
En junio de 1968 cinco familias rusas de Old Believers, nacidos en diferentes países, emigraron de nuevo y fundaron Nikolaevsk. Un pequeño pueblo ruso aislado en la península Kenai en Alaska, donde obtuvieron la nacionalidad americana con la ayuda de la Fundación Tolstoy. Las dos primeras familias que se establecieron y construyeron sus primeras cabañas fueron los Martushev y los Kalugin. Más tarde llegarían los Fefelov, los Yakunin y los Basargin. Juntos comenzaron este gran viaje que continúa hoy en día con su descendencia.
“Пасха”, representa un espacio para la tradición y reminiscencias culturales profundas. Se trata de una ceremonia que al ser fotografiada se convierte en el testimonio de un fenómeno tan tangible como es la fe. Una fuerza espiritual les ha dirigido en su viaje a lo largo de trescientos años para mantener sus creencias.
“Russkaya Amerika”. 2017. Andrea Santolaya.
Dentro de la iglesia de San Nicolás, el padre Nikolai Yakunin bendice a los feligreses durante Pascha, que comienza a medianoche y termina al amanecer. Se dice que el humo del incienso eleva las oraciones al cielo.SOBRE LA ARTISTA
Andrea Santolaya
(Madrid, 1982)
Ha desarrollado un lenguaje fotográfico personal y honesto para retratar la vida de pequeñas comunidades donde destaca la atemporalidad como lazo social. Ya sea con el Ballet Mikhailovsky de San Petersburgo, en Rusia; la etnia warao del delta del río Orinoco, en Venezuela; el mundo del boxeo en los gimnasios de Nueva York, Estados Unidos; o con el centenario equipo de rugby Biarritz Olympique, en Francia. Su trabajo fotográfico permite entablar un diálogo con el espectador al mostrar la intimidad de los lugares, los personajes que lo habitan, la historia y cómo se debate la sociedad en su entorno natural a lo largo del tiempo. La contemplación y la experiencia personal mostrada a través de la fotografía constituyen el hilo conductor que une todos estos proyectos para contar una historia en imágenes.
Su colaboración con Carlos García-Alix empieza en el año 2005, cuando realizó la invitación de su exposición Madrid-Moscú en la galería SEN de Madrid. Más tarde realizó el “Making Of” y el cartel del largometraje documental El Honor de las Injurias dirigido por este artista.
En 2010 se gradúa del Master “Photography, Video and Related Media” en “School Of Visual Arts New York” con el apoyo de la beca de estudios de postgrado Obra Social La Caixa. Su primera exposición individual sobre mujeres boxeadores Around fue en la Galería Marlborough de Madrid como parte del Festival Photoespaña 2011. Desde entonces, su trabajo ha sido presentado en instituciones y galerías internacionales que incluyen el Centro Conde Duque de Madrid, Mondo Galería Madrid, el Palau de la Música de Valencia, la Galería Freites de Caracas, el Instituto Francés de Madrid y el Festival Internacional de Fotografía de Mérignac.
“Russkaya Amerika”. 2017. Andrea Santolaya.
La procesión conducida por el diácono Vasily Yakunin y el padre Nikolai Yakunin rodea la iglesia de San Nicolás y sus feligreses giran en torno a ella tres veces seguidas. Esta parte de la ceremonia comienza a medianoche coincidiendo con la resurrección de Jesucristo.
Leer más…"RUSSKAYA AMERIKA" Andrea Santolaya
Jacob Aue Sobol
From 17th FEBRUARY to 30th MARCH 2018
OPENING Saturday 17th February 20hs
"The Chao Phraya River is the lifeblood of Thailand. It is born as the Ping and Nan rivers become one. From there its waters flow south to Bangkok. These pictures are a recording of what I saw and the people I met along The River of Kings in Bangkok." J.A.S
The author will be present on the opening to sign books and a portfolio review will be organized for photographers who like to Exchange with the photographer.
“By the river of Kings”. 2016. Jacob Aue Sobol.
Bangkok, Nueva York, Singapur, Madrid ...
Black and White photography has challenged the world of truth; it has defined a parallel reality beyond comprehension. We have absorbed information coming from a medium presumed to be close to real life but certainly seriously far from it, much closer to a hallucinatory realm. When have our dreams or imagination been deprived of color? When have our collective unconscious been on black and white?
Photography has been from its beginning, somewhere in the middle of 19th century, a tool to help socioeconomic development to grow on a controlled direction, taking us to what we understand today as “common… ordinary”.
“Ordinary” or “common” did not exist before we could print a presence or personality on film or paper. (not even think of image in motion). Everybody was, as a matter of being, not focused on the looks of others; of “The other”.
Nowadays we concentrate on an individuality pushed and pampered by fashion, image and aesthetics, leaving aside humanity, sensibility and love. There is where evolution from personal disappearance has brought us, pressed by technocracy and scientology (not religiously). Religion is far from it, its abandon, left behind. No rules of control or order, just business. As always has been but in a macro way (wave. Tsunami). An endless desperation for selling what nobody wants. An invented market empty of goods, empty of content.
We travel far, and we do not see the human. We travel far trying to find a difference to pumper us, that makes us feel comfortable on our shit. That creates an “Other” where it’s just light; silver and paper. Humanity is there, on the streets that are different from our streets but deeply inside are the same ones. On rivers that carry an energy that its somewhere in our veins but we don’t want to see it. In an order, that because it seems different to ours, makes us feel it as distant, but it’s really there, just next to our day by day things on the deep core of family life. Can we change that? Can we move from our convention and accept a different stream, a different source, a different river?
That’s the challenge, the purpose, the quest that we face on this work. A vision, of a world that is there, waiting for us to accept it and to acknowledge it as a part of our life.
“By the river of Kings”. 2016. Jacob Aue Sobol.
Leer más…"By the river of Kings" Jacob Aue Sobol